Having information about planning agricultural production processes, especially organic
goods, is extremely important for manufacturers to control costs. In manufacturing, productivity
sales at reasonable prices and produce sufficient productivity to market demand. Therefore, the
purpose of this study is to develop information systems used to introduce planning in the production
of organic products. A case study for Chiang Mai Organic Rice Production Group to be able to
provide information that suggests effective rice production planning. This research collects data
from farmers, organic rice producers and organic rice vendors in Chiang Mai and uses system
development guidelines by AGILE concepts that reduce the duration of the system development
process and provide information systems that meet their objectives. When the process is completed,
the system has been tested and implemented, which finds that the planning system for organic
products allows organic rice producers to know the information used to plan production in advance,
and also to know about the value of the process in each production cycle, and in the organic rice
vendor group in Chiang Mai, the system can offer more data on the production volume of organic
rice manufacturers that need it more timely.