Straw Mushroom Monitoring and Air Flow Control System has developed because of news which showed that family’s farmers which consist of parent and their children when lack of respiration within the mushroom greenhouse. The cause of group dead may dare from Carbon Dioxide (Co2) or Carbon Monoxide (Co).
This project has developed by using a Node MCU board with Carbon Monoxide (MQ-9) sensor and Carbon Dioxide (MH-Z14A) to measure level of Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide values and using two Raspberry pi boards to be a field server and an air flow controller.
The network communication inside greenhouse has been using Wi-Fi router to be an access point for service over Wi-Fi network to communicate and send data between Raspberry pi boards and sensors box through Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT). The network communication between the mushroom greenhouse and Maejo University server has been using 3G router to connect the Internet for sending a carbon dioxide and a carbon monoxide data to database server which install on Maejo University server.
Warning and airflow control depend on Co2 and Co values which has conditions to alert and turn on the red light signal on control box which has set up in front of a greenhouse for warning farmers to protect when lack of respiration within the mushroom greenhouse while they want to enter a greenhouse and turn on 4 fans which have installed on behind and in front of the wall of greenhouse for controlling the air condition inside the greenhouse at the same time until normal level of air condition.