The purpose of this research was to collect and codify the comprehension and understanding in Mah?satipa??h?na IV. It was the qualitative research by emphasized survey for leading content analysis from literature. The population and sample was the present literature on Mah?satipa??h?na IV which had published in the year of 2016 -2006 about 100 copies. The results of the study were found that from the collect the text present literature on Mah?satipa??h?na IV which was classified the type of the literature characteristic of Mah?satipa??h?na IV. It was classified into four types they were; 1. Type of academic literature means academic book, the various text writing and Tipi?aka that was referred Pali word for explanation about 15 copies, 25 percentages. 2. Type of teaching word literature of teacher means teaching of the teacher that had explained both the theory and practicing of Mah?satipa??h?na IV about 45 copies, 45 percentages. 3. Type of thinker literature means writing that had studied from Mah?satipa??h?na IV about 15 copies, 25 percentages. 4. Type of modern science integration means the books that the writer had brought Mah?satipa??h?na IV to integrate with the modern science about 15 copies, 25 percentages.
The purpose of this research was to analyze about the Mahasatipatthana IV concept from the author-devised literature. The characteristics of the literature was the author-devised which meant about the literature which had been researched of the Mahasatipatthana IV concept through processing the author’s knowledge and comprehension gained from studying through ten volumes of literature. The result of the research revealed that: 1) Concerning about the concept, it was found that the concentration being made could create the power superior to the feeling of ego and vacancy out of individualism. The learning procedure was led by practicing in order to access into the actuality of attain the enlightenment. The threshold point of practicing the Dhamma began at one’s heart leading one’s mind to practice. Inner peace was then engendered by having an insight into being a noble person. 2)Concerning about the principle, it was found that the practice of making one’s mind peaceful, concentrating one’s mind to be stable, pondering the mind, then settling and developing it before lifting it to Vipassana meditation could lead one to see the Trilaksana. In addition, Dhamma was then brought to ponder in order to make the intuition or wisdom. The mind would then be uplifted into its prior state which had not yet been fabricated.3)Concerning the method, it was found that one’s breath in and out should be monitored correctly by practicing the mind. One should be self-subconscious with mind always attached with body and had feeling of mind. The phenomenon was that the meditative absorption was brought to insight with the mind attached. This would lead to the free mind. One should abide by the body base, Vedhana, mind and Dhamma and create the state of being self-conscious, considering the body and mind, settling the mind to equanimity for every state of Dhamma.Lastly, one should comprehend and acknowledge what occurred according to the factuality of the Trilaksana rule. 4)Concerning the results, it was found that the assessor were that one knew, one forsook, and one attained wisdom. One should be self-conscious and keep pace of every thought of the mind which kept abreast of actuality existed with the present time. Wisdom was originated above the mind and body, superior to the perceptive neuron and that could be seen by oneself.
The objective of this research article was to analyse Mah?satipa??hana IV in term of K?y?nupassan?satipa??h?na, Vedan?nupassan?satipa??h?na, Citt?nupassan?satipa??h?na and Dhamm?nupassan?satipa??h?na. The research showed that on K?y?nupassan?satipa??h?na aspect was found that body was the establish of felling, the combination of truth, concentrated body, known body, brought the breath and concentrated mind and became aware, practiced the big bodily movement by digesting movement that was the instrument of Kamma??h?na for the aware and realized aware good mind. On the Vedan?nupassan?satipa??h?na aspect was found that it was emphasized the present emotion, be conscious of being, phassa touch inside ?yatana and outside ?yatana, had consciousness follow and known Vedan?, Vedan? reside in R?pa birth, where think incorrectly Vedan? and aware that place for known the suffering, set the various characteristic name, happy, suffer, neutrality, made neutrality by making control awareness and mind clearly conduct, it will have clearly emotion. O the Citt?nupassan?satipa??h?na aspect was found that the pure of mind was not think incorrectly, consciousness set mind, following mind awareness, setting of mind was Kamma??h?na, Cittabh?van? was the instrument of mind development in higher rank, practiced the permanent mind, mind saw with mind eye, awareness and created the mind with the wisdom. On Dhamm?nupassan?satipa??h?na aspect was found that the enlightenment of wisdom as the Middle Part and the Four Noble Truth was the way of the stopping suffering, Samm?di?hi was the chair of wisdom and known following the truth. Vipassan????a was the enlightenment in Rupa and Namma, the instrument of knowing consideration in the all cause and factor, understood the natural condition to come true, considering the Three Characteristics ; Anicca?, Dukkha? and Anatt?.
The purpose of this research was to analyze about the Mahasatipatthana IV concept from the teacher-led paradigm literature. It was the qualitative research by emphasized leading content analysis from the teacher-led paradigm literature The result of the study revealed that : 1 ) Concerning about the concept of Mahasatipatthana IV as the Dharma practice, it was found that the extinguishment of suffering being purely a mere single major path leading to the extrication of suffering. One shall see all the things in a correct way under the truth and the path of Trilaksana. One shall follow the path of Silas, Samadhi and Panya which encompass into the noble path of making insight meditation, meaning that to know clearly for extrication. 2 ) Concerning the principle of Mahasatipatthana IV, the rationale lies on practicing which focuses on the path of doing the meditation with reciting Buddho. Once the mind is tranquilized and settled, then it should be brought up to ponder over the Dharma bodies. Doing the mindfulness on breathing, its principle is to be built upon being expert in both Dharma and practicing, following the path of Silas, Samadhi and Panya. To grow the wisdom, the Four Noble Truths shall be chiefly emphasized and the Noble Eightfold Path being the way to extricate out of suffering. Therefore, the principle of Mahasatipatthana IV brings forward the consciousness and wisdom. The mind is full with joy and happiness at every breath in and out. This is how to practice the mind according to the Kayagatasati, with the Samadhi being the base of fixing mind. Then one shall consider four actions of body moving, namely standing, walking, sitting and lying, with putting mind into those actions. 3 ) Concerning the methods pertaining to Mahasatipatthana IV, this is about the practice of attaining the goal under the principle. The method of doing meditation is in a natural manner or follows the traditional technique in order to be a trick for bringing out Samadhi or concentration e.g. walking meditation, practicing the breath, reciting verses or using prayer. This can be done easily by practicing the breath with reciting ‘Buddho’. Also, one shall exert the wisdom in practicing Dharma, building consciousness, mindfulness and Samadhi as well as an establishment. The mind is then concentrated which means one sees and knows and do things with being subconscious. The mind is empowered to develop the Four Noble Truths, using Samadhi to practice the mind to be established, discerning in contemplation, seeing in Trilaksana and uncertainty.
The purpose of this research was to analyze about the Mahasatipatthana IV pertaining to the Jittanupassanasatpatthana concept from the author-devised literature. The characteristics of the literature was the author-devised which meant about the literature which had been researched of the Mahasatipatthana IV concept through processing the author’s knowledge and comprehension gained from studying through fifteen volumes of literature. These literatures had been analytically studied about the details of mind in particular.The result of the research revealed that:1 )Concerning about the concept, it was found that the development of mind to be purely clean through the use of Mahasatipatthana IV in considering body, sympathy, mind and Dhamma could lead to the process of mental changing. To practice one’s mind to be purely clean is to make Vipassana meditation or concentration with building fundamental base of subconsciousness i.e. to consider each breath and ponder over everything according to the truth so as to enlighten in uncertainty under the Trilaksana rule. 2 ) Concerning about the principle, it was found that there were several ways of practicing mind. That is to say, one practiced by attaching subconsciousness with the mental base and to make subconsciousness on body with being fully self-conscious or awake. Try controling subconsciousness to keep pace of the mind, practicing the mind to be in peaceful state, practicing how to concentrate mind to be tranquil to keep its pace with thought and emotion, while subconsciousness and self-consciousness fixing the mind with the existing state at present. The mind was formulated of emotion from Ayatana, practiced hard until the mind was at a standstill. The principle of practicing mind was to practice Dhamma, observing the changes of mind, making one’s subconsciousness and self-consciousness to keep pace with thought and motion of mind, knowing and seeing actions of mind. 3 ) Concerning the method, it was found that to practice of keeping up with thought, how to make meditation, having subconsciousness and awareness and practice of intensive meditating were among methods being used to practice mind. This included concentrating one’s mind, training of mind to make it focused in pondering the Dhamma contents. The practicing method of Vipassana meditation included training of one’s mind to rise into training of one’s wisdom which needed training subconsciousness and looking at mind until the mind was fully established and then the wisdom was derived from being self-conscious and concentrated. One should practice building wisdom. Subconsciousness could make mind realized of the truth, therefore one should instill the mind through exerting wisdom.