The objectives of this study were to determine the pattern of activities, problems and obstacles in fishery resources conservation including the people’s participation of Ping river water-based communities in Chiangmai province namely; Ban Nongmajub, Sansai district, Ban Tamakham, Sarapee district and Ban Taduae, Mueang Chiangmai district. The results from this study can be used as the approaches to fishery resources conservation management efficiently. The result showed that to join to fish fry release into the river on the important days was the main activity on fishery resources conservation. The level of people’s participation in planning, practicing and obtaining the advantages on fishery resources conservation were in moderate level while the people‘s participation in evaluation was in low level. Illegal fishing of outsiders, lacking of officers and loosely law enforcement were the problems found in these areas. The suggestions about fishery resources conservation activities were releasing the larger size of fry or releasing and feeding them into floating cage in the river before releasing for higher survival rate. The statistic hypothesis testing showed that education was significantly correlated with the level of participation in fishery resources conservation (P<0.05). The sex, social status, household income and place of residence were significant correlated with the participation (P<0.01). The result of governability assessment also found that high level in natural system and socio-economic system to be governed were the factors that may contribute the success of fishery resources conservation. On the other hand, the factors that may obstruct were high level in dynamics of natural system and also low level in interaction among people in community and governing system especially in appreciation and collaboration.