Study on the efficacy of stingless bee for increase productivity of oil palm was research at the oil palm plantation in Lang Suan District, Chumporn Province. There were 5 experimental plots: control plots, natural pollinated plots, and plot with 4, 6 , and 8 stingless bee hive. The results showed that the plots with stingless bee hives have more pollinator than the plots without stingless bee hive. The stingless bees have visited male flowers more than female flowers 3.5 times.
The study of abundance of stingless bees and the visiting rate of stingless bees on male and female of oil palm flowers in plot with stingless bee was found that the plot with 8 stingless bee hives had a high abundance of stingless bee population and maximum visiting rate. Secondly, the plots were placed in 6 and 4 hives positions respectively.
The study of relationship between abundance of stingless bees and the visiting rate of stingless bees on male and female of oil palm flowers during various periods of the day was found to be the most abundant. 12.00 am, 10.00 am, 8.00 am and 4.00 pm respectively. The visiting rate of male and female of oil palm flow was found during 10.00-15.00, after that it was decreased statistically significant at 4.00-5.00 pm.
The data on quantity and quality of oil palm production, percentage of palm oil in all experimental plots is being collected and analyzed. This will be report when the research is complete in the second year of the project.