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Maejo University professor molds "์Little Poomjai" as champion for the design of a mascot, ready to showcase at World Expo 2025 Osaka Kansai.
Date 29/01/2024    588 View    Category Activity    Communication Center Maejo University

Assistant Professor Piriya Kanjanakongkha, Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Special Affairs, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Maejo University, has won the championship in the Thailand Pavilion Expo 2025 Mascot and Costume Design Contest with the work "Little Poomjai". This contest was organized by the Department of Health Promotion, Ministry of Public Health. The aforementioned mascot will be showcased at the Thai Exhibition "World Expo 2025 Osaka Kansai", held in Osaka, Japan, from April 13th to October 13th, 2025. It will serve as a symbol for health-oriented tourism and Soft Power, as well as demonstrate Thailand's readiness to be a global health destination, aiming to generate income for Thailand and create a positive perception and recognition of Thailand's image internationally.

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