ตอนที่ 1 : ข้อมูลส่วนตัวของสมาชิก
รหัสอ้างอิง : 1986
ชื่อสมาชิก : Rameshprabu Ramaraj
เพศ : ชาย
อีเมล์ : rameshprabu@mju.ac.th
ประเภทสมาชิก : บุคลากรภายใน[สังกัด]
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ : 6/11/2558 14:05:18
แก้ไขล่าสุดเมื่อ : 6/11/2558 14:05:18

ตอนที่ 2 : ประวัติการเขียนบทความของสมาชิก
It has been a great experience attending the 23rd Tri-U International Joint Seminar & Symposium, Indonesia, 23-28 October 2016, where I met many intelligent and sharp international colleagues, experienced experts of sustainable development area, and specialists in various agro industrial disciplines. Personally I think this conference was very well organized and very successful. I fully enjoyed the one-week event with so many interesting seminars and discussions on various topics. Several of the sessions, delivered by several undergraduate students which I attended had been very informative and insightful on their particular subjects. I had a very pleasant conversation with expert’s different country and we soon found that there might be some chances to work together in the committee of Energy, Environment, Natural Resources and Food. In conclusion, I would like to express my heart-felt thanks to people who have made this 23rd Tri-U conference possible and those who have shared their experiences during that one exciting week in Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia. I have benefited very much from this fantastic event.
I participated the training courses for the internal assessor at program level during September 19-20,2016 at Century Park Hotel, Bangkok. During this is training program, I received manual of quality assurance on higher education of 2014 for guideline for internal quality assurance at program/curriculum, faculty and institutional levels in higher education institutions which is prepare pared by Office of the Higher Education Commission (OHEC). Delegates were delivered excellent speeches from their experience with proficiently. In addition, I participated the workshop and Group Discussion from component level 1 to 6. Each component procedure and practice are very helpful to me understand whole Thailand higher education processes. Also it could be helpful to develop as an assessor which can be contribute Maejo University and other academic intuitions in Thailand. Quality of in higher education is multidimensional concept which should embrace all its functions, and activities including teaching, academic program, research, staffing, students and scholarship, buildings, facilities, equipment, services to the community and the academic environment. Also internal self-evaluation, external review and enhancing the quality. Accordingly, this IQA program is very interested and supportive to me as an academic scholar.