This article aims to: 1) Study demographic data. 2) Investigate the popularity of dining alone. 3) Explore opportunities and challenges for the restaurant business. 4) Examine the support for sustainable urban development in the context of dining alone and 5) Analyze social and cultural changes influencing the trend of dining alone in the digital era within Bangkok. This research adopts a quantitative approach, focusing on a sample of 400 residents of Bangkok. The sample was selected using a mixed method, combining stratified random sampling and simple random sampling. Questionnaires were employed as the data collection tool. Statistical analysis included means, standard deviations, and multiple regression analysis.
The findings revealed that overall opinions were rated at the highest level: The popularity of dining alone had a mean score of 4.4471 (S.D. = 0.5623). The social changes related to dining alone had a mean score of 4.4431 (S.D. = 0.55279). The cultural changes in dining alone had a mean score of 4.4556 (S.D. = 0.56631). The opportunities and challenges for restaurant businesses had a mean score of 4.4662 (S.D. = 0.55716) and the support for sustainable urban development in dining alone had the highest mean score of 4.5073 (S.D. = 0.55616). The study also found that social and cultural changes significantly influenced the popularity of dining alone in the digital era in Bangkok, with a statistical significance level of 0.05.